
Further Qualification In The Food Industry (APPRENTICESHIP)


Seinäjoki, Törnäväntie 24
Jatkuva haku
120 osp


The Further Qualification in the Food Industry is intended for people who work in different sectors of the food industry either in the meat or food industry.

Food industry workers are skilled producers of food products and work as part of the manufacturing chain of the process industry, in its various tasks.

A requirement for the apprenticeship training is that you have a suitable job in the food sector, where you work, on average, at least 25 hours per week in tasks corresponding to the criteria of the qualification. When signing the apprenticeship, we ensure that you can study the tasks required in the qualification criteria, and that you will receive appropriate guidance at the workplace by the work place instructor.

Mitä saat

Someone completing the Further Qualification in the Food Industry has extensive skills in their sector of the food industry and the necessary requirements to maintain and develop their own operations. They also have the capacity and ability to modify and apply their skills independently, in both changing situations and operational environments.

Hakeutuminen ja opiskelijavalinta

Discuss the possibility of an apprenticeship with your employer well in advance of the start of the training and then contact Sedu: oppisopimus(at)sedu.fi, tel. 040 868 0627.

The apprenticeship contract can be signed well before the first contact lesson and it must be valid when the apprenticeship is due to start, at the latest. The apprenticeship is valid when all parties have signed it.

We will contact you well before the start of the training. A personal competence development plan (PCDP) is made for each student before signing the apprenticeship contract. The PCDP takes into consideration your current work tasks and your possible previously acquired skills.

The employer fills in their preliminary information here: https://bit.ly/3u9hEpu

täytä hakemus

The training consists of on-the-job learning, online learning, and contact teaching at the workplace organised in co-operation by the educational institution and the company, of which there are an average of 12 days according to your personal competence development plan (PCDP).

The qualification consists of two compulsory units: Food Safety Management 30 ects and Food Industry Operational Process 30 ects as well as optional units, which together form 60 ects.

Food industry competence areas, specialisation units
• Production of food products
• Production of fish products
• Production of vegetable products
• Production of berry and fruit products
• Production of convenience foods
Optional units
• The storage and dispatch operations for food products
• Packing in the food industry
Meat sector competence area, specialisation units
• The production of meat products
• Operations in the abattoir according to slaughter regulations.
• Cutting red meat
• The production of raw meat products
• The slaughtering of poultry or red meat animals
• Cutting poultry
• The inspection of poultry meat and red meat
Optional units
• The storage and dispatch operations for food products
• Packing in the food industry

The qualification can also include a vocational unit from another further vocational qualification or specialist vocational qualification.
Further information on the qualification’s criteria: https://eperusteet.opintopolku.fi/#/fi/ammatillinen/2270455/tiedot
The average performance time of the training is 1-2 years, but a more exact duration is defined according to your personal competence development plan.

You demonstrate your skills at the workplace in doing genuine work tasks. Your skills are assessed by a representative of the training provider and working life representative. The use of a computer is desired in online studies, but the tasks can also be performed without a computer. A smartphone is a useful addition to the training but it is not compulsory. In studying the Forms learning environment is utilised and we use Microsoft Teams for online discussions.

Further information about apprenticeship training:


Training performed by apprenticeship is free of charge.


Co-ordinating Teacher, Ilkka Pellinen 040 680 7210

Case Manager, Jukka Porkholm 040 868 0632.

Working Life Services, tel. 040 868 0627 (Apprenticeship)

E-mail addresses are firstname.surname@sedu.fi or oppisopimus@sedu.fi

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